In only its second year of implementation, Reflexive Performance Reset (RPR) has become an invaluable tool for thousands of people across the world. I have seen its benefits for myself, the athletes that I care for, and in the countless other success stories RPR has provided around the globe. (Please note that for the purpose of this article that athlete, individual, and general population clients are essentially interchangeable.)
So what is it that makes RPR so special? Is it that RPR allows you to look at the body through the lens of the nervous system and understand why compensations occur? Nope. Is it the immediate response from the nervous system that allows the body to normalize function and unlock its true performance potential? Uh-uh. What about the fact that RPR is thorough enough to explain almost every soft tissue injury, yet simple enough to comprehend with a basic (1-2-3) concept of explosion versus implosion? We're getting closer.
Don’t get me wrong; these are all incredibly huge perks that RPR provides, but they aren’t the reason why RPR is so unique and special. RPR is special because it’s the only system in the world where the athletes can do the intervention on themselves. Let me repeat that: you can do RPR on yourself and see massive improvements in performance, injury prevention, and even basic physical and mental health without anyone else’s help. Obviously, someone has to teach you how to do RPR on yourself first, but the reason RPR is helping so many people is the fact that all its benefits are wrapped up into an easy-to-use, 10-minute, do-it-yourself package. The purpose of Reflexive Performance Reset is not to be another tool for the strength coach, medical professional, or fitness guru to hold hostage from their athletes or general public as the answers for all their problems. The true purpose of RPR is to be a tool that is put directly (and literally) into the hands of the athlete to provide massive benefits in performance and injury prevention.
To some, this may make a lot of sense, but to many, it probably seems confusing. Why is something simple enough that anyone can utilize it a good thing? After all, anything with that large of an effect on body must be so complex that you need to consult your health or fitness professionals every step of the way. Athletes looking to improve performance, injury resistance, and overall health shouldn’t be taking such an active role in the process, right? Don’t we need a team of professionals to do that for them?
1. The Practitioner-Based Model
2. Shifting to the Athlete-Based Model
3. RPR and the Athlete-Based Model
Interested in learning more about RPR? Make sure to check out the full article, Reflexive Performance Reset: An Athlete-Based Model, by Dr. Detweiler on EliteFTS.com.