Athlete Sustainability Program
Athlete Sustainability Program
Athlete sustainability is all about creating longevity in the playing career in high school, collegiate, amateur, and professional athletics. Our programming is not designed to replace traditional strength training, but instead compliment it by focusing on stability, biomechanics, and injury avoidance.
Although strength, speed, and agility are paramount to sports performance, athletes need to be able to control and express these attributes in order to be successful.
A common misconception is that because an athlete is strong, or fast, or quick, that they automatically create force and execute sport-specific movements correctly. The reality, however, is that athletes are masters of adaptation and often have glaring weaknesses or dysfunctions that they have learned how to compensate around, in order to perform. This ability to compensate can certainly lead to some high performance in sport, but every compensation has its breaking point, and the result is pain and injury.
We gawk and say, “Man, I hope I look like that when I’m 70!”
Do you think that person became an active 70-year-old by limiting or stopping activity? As we age, we realize that the pinnacle of health is having a body that does not limit you from doing the things you love.
As an active adult, you’re constantly told by mainstream healthcare that your activities and passions are detrimental to your health. This couldn’t be further from the truth. You want to extend your longevity and continue to pursue your passions for as long as possible. But, all too often, these doctors and therapists play it safe rather than listen to your desires and expectations...
Not us. Here at Hybrid, we understand the value of maximizing your performance.
The Process
Our Athletic Sustainability Program starts with an injury prevention screen to specifically analyze the joints and movements of the body that are specific to your sport to identify any weaknesses, instability, and loss of transference of force and energy.
Using the information gathered in this assessment, we create a specific exercise program centered on isolating each weakness to improve stability and force transmission. Training options include in-person 1:1 training, group sessions, or a remote program.
Every 12 weeks, we will perform a re-evaluation to assess your progress, goals, and areas for improvement.